1.   But they do compete in advanced services like electronic mail and computer-data networks.

2.   Cars, food, and clothes are cheaper, but services like plumbers cost a packet.

3.   Online services like Napster helped generate interest in a slew of new computer products in recent months.

4.   This condition is worsened by the cutting of notches in the joists to house sub-floor services like heating pipes.

5.   In services like health care or education the experience of the user is the product being consumed.

6.   What should quality mean in a public health service like the NHS?

7.   But according to some it simply MEANS services like education will be severely squeezed.

8.   Shared services like engineering, transmission, accounting, and publicity will bear the brunt of the cuts.

9.   But the problem will be more noticeable when they are too ill to travel and demand services like occupational therapists from their own authorities.

10.   Also included are programs for signing up with major online services like America Online and CompuServe.

n. + like >>共 1236
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look 1.13%
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city 1.05%
service 0.71%
service + p. >>共 95
to 24.68%
in 18.81%
of 7.54%
at 6.68%
from 4.85%
on 4.73%
such_as 3.42%
as 3.38%
between 3.23%
with 3.02%
like 2.87%
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