1.   Neupert added that the service was functioning normally within an hour.

2.   Phone service is unreliable, while electric service functions in many neighborhoods only a few hours a day.

3.   Despite the second day of walkouts of its most highly trained employees, Garcia said telephone service was functioning normally.

4.   Police spokesman Peter Kimathi said there were no reports of violence in the country, and all services were functioning normally.

5.   Since then, however, few improvements have been made and most freight and passenger services no longer function.

6.   Strikes disrupted some services at public hospitals, though emergency services functioned without interruption.

7.   Fire services no longer function in the Serb-held areas, the authorities having abandoned the districts along with thousands of others who have left in recent weeks.

8.   The Wall Street Journal reported that the Justice Department has asked certain on-line related companies such as Netscape for technical documents and information on how their services function.

9.   Zohar said some Israeli officials would work with the Palestinians until the new service was functioning smoothly.

10.   The Justice Department has asked certain on-line related companies such as Netscape for technical documents and information on how their services function, according to the paper.

n. + function >>共 448
system 5.58%
government 2.90%
kidney 1.79%
market 1.56%
brain 1.34%
service 1.12%
organization 1.12%
lung 1.00%
cell 1.00%
school 1.00%
service + v. >>共 893
be 27.37%
say 8.68%
have 2.92%
include 2.01%
offer 1.84%
report 1.75%
begin 1.59%
take 1.28%
provide 1.27%
become 1.15%
function 0.11%
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