1.   And in this there is serious danger.

2.   Cases sometimes tread uneasily between being trying to be funny and pointing to serious danger.

3.   Certain deficiencies, of vitamins or iodine, can be harmful, and there are serious dangers from mercurial or lead poisoning.

4.   Downsizing often cut out coordinators, the people most important to these informal networks, leaving them in serious danger of collapse.

5.   If heterosexuals in developed countries provide such a niche, they will be in serious danger.

6.   We ought to take that serious danger into account.

7.   A pullback of us troops would leave the country in serious danger.

8.   We believe it poses a serious danger to our national security.

9.   Greenpeace and other environmental groups have highlighted the serious dangers arising from the granting of patents on plants genetically engineered to resist herbicides.

a. + danger >>共 391
potential 8.55%
immediate 7.86%
real 7.73%
imminent 4.05%
serious 3.78%
possible 3.35%
greater 3.22%
greatest 2.75%
grave 2.62%
great 2.49%
serious + n. >>共 891
condition 7.60%
injury 7.04%
problem 6.22%
damage 2.48%
threat 2.11%
crime 2.01%
charge 1.33%
trouble 1.32%
concern 1.24%
health 1.20%
danger 0.42%
每页显示:    共 113