1.   Serial biopsy specimens in these patients often showed variations in the intensity of inflammation and hepatocyte necrosis.

2.   This result should be interpreted cautiously because serial biopsies were not available in these tumours.

3.   Similar changes werefound in serial biopsies taken during radiotherapy in rectal carcinomas.

4.   This may partly explain the lack of change in the appearance of the duodenal mucosa on serial biopsy in this condition.

5.   With regard to man, Lipkin et al studied tritiated thymidine labelling in the gastric mucosa of a patient with oesophageal malignancy and a gastrostomy in serial biopsies.

a. + biopsy >>共 85
liver 8.88%
endoscopic 6.25%
intestinal 5.92%
gastric 5.59%
mucosal 5.26%
small 4.61%
antral 4.28%
surgical 2.96%
duodenal 2.96%
colonic 2.63%
serial 1.64%
serial + n. >>共 203
port 13.56%
rapist 9.98%
murder 8.10%
bomber 4.52%
cable 3.58%
file 2.07%
bus 1.69%
right 1.69%
thriller 1.69%
rape 1.51%
biopsy 0.94%
每页显示:    共 5