1.   The attribute data are held in a separate database.

2.   Note that it is not necessary to create a separate database instance for LIFESPAN RDBI.

3.   And a set of labels can be printed without the need of setting up a separate database.

4.   All told, customer-service representatives now work with nine separate databases.

5.   Flight plans currently are kept in a separate database not linked to the air traffic system.

6.   Kittles has also collected a separate database with Native American, Asian, and European DNA to cross-reference genes that cannot be traced to Africa.

7.   Those agencies keep the information in separate databases and do not communicate efficiently.

8.   A separate database compiled by the department included the names of several hundred slaves and slaveholders.

9.   Company officials said they were free to proceed because the implant contains identification numbers that correspond to personal medical information in a separate database.

a. + database >>共 315
relational 6.58%
national 6.08%
online 3.50%
electronic 3.42%
new 3.25%
central 2.83%
large 2.67%
computerized 2.58%
huge 2.42%
searchable 2.33%
separate 0.92%
separate + n. >>共 1252
incident 4.65%
meeting 2.72%
state 1.93%
company 1.87%
report 1.81%
attack 1.55%
case 1.51%
talk 1.46%
way 1.32%
entity 1.20%
database 0.06%
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