1.   Both Democrat Gore and GOP rival George W. Bush pressed forward with separate blueprints for building a presidency.

2.   Both Gore and rival George W. Bush pressed forward with separate blueprints for building a presidency.

3.   His plan calls for a cease-fire among the five foreign powers fighting in Congo and a separate blueprint addressing their security interests.

4.   His plan calls for a cease-fire among the five foreign powers fighting in Congo, and a separate blueprint addressing their security interests.

5.   His plan calls for a cease-fire among five foreign powers fighting in Congo, and a separate blueprint addressing their security interests.

6.   Meanwhile, both Gore and rival George W. Bush pressed forward with separate blueprints for building a presidency.

a. + blueprint >>共 198
genetic 7.21%
new 4.15%
economic 4.15%
detailed 3.49%
clear 2.40%
complete 2.40%
spending 1.97%
original 1.75%
classified 1.53%
national 1.53%
separate 1.31%
separate + n. >>共 1252
incident 4.65%
meeting 2.72%
state 1.93%
company 1.87%
report 1.81%
attack 1.55%
case 1.51%
talk 1.46%
way 1.32%
entity 1.20%
blueprint 0.03%
每页显示:    共 6