1.   Anger over the sentencing disparities has been blamed for a recent series of disturbances at federal prisons.

2.   Clinton has maintained crack sentencing disparities that punish African-Americans and signed the harsh welfare bill with no thought-out jobs program.

3.   Critics say the sentencing disparity for the two types of cocaine is unfair and ends up giving harsher treatment to minorities.

4.   Critics of the sentencing disparities say they unfairly target the weakest links in the drug trafficking chain.

5.   For black America, the sentencing disparity has long struck a chord.

6.   It called for an end to sentencing disparities for crimes involving crack on one hand and powder cocaine on the other.

7.   One peculiar byproduct of handing discretion to prosecutors has been an emerging sentencing disparity around the state.

8.   Prosecutors asked for consolidating the related cases to reduce the risk of sentencing disparity.

9.   Sentencing disparities both within the federal system and between the federal government and the states essentially guarantee that this area of criminal law will continue to command attention.

10.   She said President Clinton, allegedly fearful of being painted as soft on drugs and crime, allowed the sentencing disparity to continue without a veto fight.

a. + disparity >>共 132
racial 15.88%
wide 10.86%
economic 9.89%
regional 5.19%
growing 5.19%
huge 3.40%
large 2.27%
sentencing 2.27%
vast 2.27%
widening 1.78%
sentencing + n. >>共 124
guideline 19.88%
hearing 17.95%
date 7.23%
phase 6.39%
law 5.42%
judge 3.13%
rally 2.65%
decision 2.05%
disparity 1.69%
option 1.57%
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