1.   As mentioned earlier, many kinds of maps in the brain relate sensory inputs to some organized pattern.

2.   Eyes and antennae are relatively small in some species, suggesting that sensory inputs are limited.

3.   In addition, factors affecting the neurophysiological sensory input can be considered.

4.   In learning experiments, animals are stressed or hungry, they receive sensory inputs, they perform motor tasks.

5.   In old age, deterioration of vision and hearing can lessen the ability to communicate effectively by causing distortion of sensory input.

6.   The input cells are activated only by sensory input.

7.   The organism that develops a rudimentary eye is able to adjust its behaviour in accordance with its new sensory input.

8.   The relationship between complexity and organization becomes a key question in trying to simulate the processing of sensory inputs.

9.   They make use of a combination of two sensory inputs.

10.   For the sensory input, the problem was to explain how mispronounced, or otherwise deviant words could nonetheless still be correctly identified.

a. + input >>共 223
public 14.57%
sensory 3.74%
local 3.54%
creative 2.17%
direct 2.17%
significant 1.77%
valuable 1.57%
agricultural 1.38%
considerable 1.38%
acoustic 1.18%
sensory + n. >>共 116
overload 12.34%
experience 8.77%
input 6.17%
nerve 4.55%
information 3.90%
perception 3.57%
system 3.57%
organ 2.92%
stimulation 2.60%
neuron 2.27%
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