1.   At each of a large number of points along the raster the sensor records the level of grey in its area of view.

2.   Computerized sensors record microscopic changes in conditions such as hydrocarbon levels in the water and air and the size of suspended oil droplets.

3.   The light sensors record the sparks.

4.   The sensors would only record vehicles that meet the standards, requiring vehicles that fail to be tested in inspection centers.

5.   Their eye movements and muscle activity are recorded by sensors while they sleep, and their sleeping movements are followed all night by infra-red television cameras.

n. + record >>共 564
camera 5.35%
company 2.49%
coroner 2.12%
history 2.05%
police 2.05%
group 1.68%
stock 1.61%
band 1.47%
device 1.17%
fund 1.03%
sensor 0.37%
sensor + v. >>共 127
be 12.97%
detect 10.95%
measure 4.61%
pick_up 3.17%
monitor 3.17%
use 2.31%
tell 2.02%
have 1.73%
register 1.73%
record 1.44%
每页显示:    共 5