1.   The book touches a highly sensitive chord.

2.   But the Journal comments touched an even more sensitive chord because the sandwich is a British invention.

3.   But, like all good writers, he could also touch a sensitive chord.

4.   That Seed has struck such a sensitive chord on cloning is proof to many that people reject cloning of humans as immoral.

5.   The accusations strike a sensitive chord here, given reports that some officials diverted aid in past disasters.

6.   The controversy has touched a deeply sensitive chord among Ethiopians, who have remained mired as an underclass in the decade since they began immigrating to Israel.

7.   The settlement issue is a sensitive chord in negotiations on Palestinian autonomy.

8.   The wide-ranging interview centered on education, job training and unemployment but also touched on issues that strike a sensitive chord among all age groups today.

9.   The war crimes issue has clearly struck a sensitive chord among the Serbs, since Mladic and their top political leader Radovan Karadzic both face war crimes charges.

a. + chord >>共 258
vocal 8.90%
responsive 5.24%
deep 2.79%
emotional 2.44%
right 2.27%
strong 1.75%
opening 1.75%
sensitive 1.75%
spinal 1.57%
same 1.57%
sensitive + n. >>共 769
issue 14.67%
information 6.78%
area 5.73%
time 2.84%
subject 2.63%
site 2.57%
topic 2.32%
technology 1.81%
stock 1.79%
one 1.66%
chord 0.21%
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