1.   A good sales person can sense weakness, and the customer becomes easy prey.

2.   Hannibal is always in control, a predator with intellect, an antenna up to sense any weakness.

3.   If his enemies sense weakness, they will not hesitate to form alliances against him.

4.   No one senses a weakness on any professional team faster than a football player.

5.   Political foes say this is all a smoke screen and, sensing weakness, have jumped on the environmental issue.

6.   Sensing weakness, however, unions are threatening to strike for higher wages just as soon as Arzu is sworn in on Sunday.

7.   This does not mean you should be rude or impolite, but rather recognize that communication punctuated with apologies can cause people to sense weakness on your part.

8.   What fueled so much Duke satisfaction was the fact that the basketball world had sensed a weakness in the Blue Devils, and had begun circling hungrily.

9.   Back home, the opposition sensed weakness it could exploit.

10.   But this team was built by Aime Jacquet and he taught them how to sense weaknesses and exploit them.

v. + weakness >>共 239
have 16.69%
show 7.00%
expose 5.31%
exploit 4.00%
reflect 3.77%
see 2.62%
find 2.46%
offset 2.23%
cite 1.77%
highlight 1.69%
sense 1.15%
sense + n. >>共 533
opportunity 5.87%
change 3.77%
danger 3.69%
presence 2.60%
trouble 2.18%
need 1.93%
tension 1.84%
shift 1.42%
pattern 1.26%
weakness 1.26%
每页显示:    共 15