1.   A buyer of a futures contract is betting that interest rates on such notes will decline, while a seller is betting they will rise.

2.   A short seller bets that a stock will go down.

3.   Short sellers bet a stock will fall.

4.   Short sellers were betting that high tech stocks were overdone.

5.   The seller is betting the shares will drop and can be bought at a lower price -- keeping the difference as profit.

6.   These short sellers were betting that prices would fall.

n. + bet >>共 209
investor 45.00%
trader 7.43%
company 5.39%
people 2.48%
analyst 2.39%
player 1.59%
speculator 1.24%
manager 1.24%
market 1.06%
gambler 0.88%
seller 0.53%
seller + v. >>共 337
be 20.96%
have 5.05%
say 3.79%
take 2.44%
include 1.85%
borrow 1.60%
sell 1.52%
get 1.43%
want 1.35%
agree 1.26%
bet 0.51%
每页显示:    共 6