1.   Nobody enjoys selling membership, but it is vital, for without a healthy membership the Society will not flourish.

2.   Membership is sold through a bid-ask system when a seat becomes available for sale.

3.   The new leaflet designed to help you sell membership on YOUR CLASS, includes application form.

4.   And HFS just bought a mortgage company that competes with many of the banks that sell CUC memberships.

5.   Armbrust hopes to sell memberships at the course mainly to corporations, and use it to attract donations and finance an endowment.

6.   Are you allowed to sell a membership?

7.   It would be hard to sell Italian membership of the euro to the Bundesbank and the German public, the official said.

8.   Puntenney is not selling memberships.

9.   She emphasized that World Gym is continuing to renovate its space, purchase new equipment and sell new memberships.

10.   The cachet of an art-opening invitation evidently sells more memberships than a conventional direct-mail membership drive.

v. + membership >>共 337
seek 11.04%
gain 3.52%
oppose 3.03%
expand 2.61%
approve 2.25%
increase 2.06%
offer 1.94%
support 1.70%
reject 1.70%
deny 1.64%
sell 1.15%
sell + n. >>共 820
share 5.90%
stock 4.24%
product 3.84%
bond 2.67%
ticket 2.19%
dollar 2.01%
stake 1.74%
asset 1.72%
car 1.42%
drug 1.39%
membership 0.06%
每页显示:    共 19