1.   After studying the room, she selects a speaker.

2.   The speaker is selected by a majority vote of his party colleagues.

3.   The system was also used to select speakers from the pool of those who asked to speak.

4.   These are the buyers who select speakers that sell for prices in the double digits, mostly in discount stores.

5.   A committee of students and faculty selects the speakers.

6.   But I would be more grateful if they could select speakers who do not bias the information.

7.   Selecting the speakers is a major headache for the Israelis, who are anxious to avoid giving offense to those not chosen.

8.   Selecting the speakers is a major headache for the Israelis, who are want to avoid offending those not chosen.

v. + speaker >>共 312
elect 4.79%
include 4.29%
meet 2.65%
feature 2.65%
say 2.52%
have 2.52%
use 2.27%
invite 1.64%
bring 1.51%
hear 1.39%
select 1.01%
select + n. >>共 989
candidate 2.61%
winner 2.53%
player 2.50%
team 2.33%
site 2.25%
option 1.99%
president 1.35%
member 1.29%
jury 1.21%
delegate 1.09%
speaker 0.22%
每页显示:    共 8