1.   Another video segment showed a Serbian nationalist leader accusing Milosevic of arming and supporting Serbian paramilitary groups that fought in Croatia and Bosnia.

2.   As the entire Gingrich segment showed, the chain-smoking Kathleen Gingrich is a bit more complex and savvy.

3.   In August, for example, all seven business segments showed declines after the July index rose.

4.   Other segments showed the president giving evasive answers to questions about calls he made to Lewinsky or his conversations with Currie.

5.   On www.magictheater.com, six short segments show Robinson and colleagues performing.

6.   One disturbing segment shows faint satellite images of Mexican police officers as they are gunned down in an open field by Mexican soldiers protecting drug smugglers.

7.   One recent segment showed a woman trained to lure men seeking a sexual encounter.

8.   One video segment shows a few school scenes, indicating how entwined reading and writing are with religious instruction.

9.   Some media experts think a corrections segment would show viewers that accuracy is a major concern and inspire reporters to be more careful.

10.   The next segment shows the Grateful Dead high-tailing it out of there without performing.

n. + show >>共 854
poll 8.82%
study 6.33%
report 3.69%
survey 3.26%
test 2.46%
television 2.44%
record 2.43%
figure 2.26%
research 2.03%
result 1.61%
segment 0.05%
segment + v. >>共 149
be 28.30%
have 5.42%
show 4.25%
grow 3.77%
include 3.07%
air 2.59%
end 1.65%
feature 1.65%
come 1.42%
focus 1.18%
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