1.   To explain this seeming paradox, let me refer you to a drawing now found in many introductory psychology textbooks.

2.   Behind this seeming paradox lies a powerful legal tradition, the near-absolute protection of political protest in a nation born from dissent.

3.   Brian Lang, the chief executive and deputy chairman of the British Library in London, brought up a seeming paradox in the outlook for libraries.

4.   But the seeming paradox was easily explained.

5.   In a seeming paradox, many people in the Wiccan movement are computer professionals, according to Ellwood, a retired religion professor at the University of Southern California.

6.   It helps explain the seeming paradox of Americans professing contempt for Congress but affection for their own representatives.

7.   Physicists have a history of finding natural laws that fit elegantly into the language of mathematics but that become seeming paradoxes when expressed with ordinary words.

8.   Seeking members, spokesmen or experts to explain this seeming paradox.

9.   Scientists cannot explain this seeming paradox but say the answer could affect development of an AIDS vaccine.

10.   So a seeming paradox arises.

a. + paradox >>共 104
apparent 10.70%
seeming 6.95%
great 3.74%
intriguing 2.67%
central 2.67%
interesting 2.14%
political 2.14%
american 1.60%
curious 1.60%
troubling 1.60%
seeming + n. >>共 276
contradiction 7.31%
lack 4.34%
indifference 2.97%
paradox 2.97%
inability 2.51%
impunity 1.37%
simplicity 1.37%
success 1.37%
effortlessness 1.14%
reluctance 1.14%
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