1.   As his biographer, Morris agonized for years over his seeming inability to define his subject.

2.   A diagnosis of cancer can precipitate depression and anxiety, causing debilitating fatigue and a seeming inability to complete the tasks of daily life.

3.   But they also see his seeming inability to make the theatrical part of politics feel like a genuine civic and patriotic experience.

4.   Foley has often exasperated friends and allies for his cerebral style of politics, and seeming inability to go for the gut.

5.   Game developers and publishers continue to be frustrated by their seeming inability to make money with online, multiplayer games.

6.   One of the major criticisms of the Ministry has been its weak supervision and a seeming inability to catch transgressions before they become enormous.

7.   The line-item veto, like the stymied balanced-budget amendment, is a quick fix for the seeming inability of Congress to trim spending.

8.   Their seeming inability to score made it look like they were stalling.

9.   Frustrated by the seeming inability of the police and military to end the murder spree, some village groups have taken the law into their own hands.

10.   That militant conservatism has been coupled with frustration over the seeming inability of the police to combat crime.

a. + inability >>共 93
apparent 12.18%
seeming 7.05%
chronic 3.21%
complete 2.56%
occasional 2.56%
appalling 1.92%
continuing 1.92%
same 1.92%
temporary 1.92%
total 1.92%
seeming + n. >>共 276
contradiction 7.31%
lack 4.34%
indifference 2.97%
paradox 2.97%
inability 2.51%
impunity 1.37%
simplicity 1.37%
success 1.37%
effortlessness 1.14%
reluctance 1.14%
每页显示:    共 11