1.   The gang robbed bodegas, shops and individuals with seeming impunity, sometimes returning to hit the same sites on succeeding weeks.

2.   Japan cannot be expected to keep paying and paying while its influence wanes and while the Americans withhold funds with seeming impunity.

3.   Japan cannot be expected to keep paying and paying while its influence wanes and while the Americans withhold funds wuth seeming impunity.

4.   Myanmar troops and guerrillas entered Thailand with seeming impunity, torching refugee camps, shooting refugees, and occasionally attacking Thai villagers.

5.   Public opinion has favored tough punishment for Collor and his aides, and charges and rumors of political corruption and the seeming impunity of politicians still riles the public.

6.   The targetting of mosques has added a new dimension of fear in the city where snipers move about with seeming impunity.

a. + impunity >>共 27
virtual 20.24%
relative 17.86%
complete 9.52%
seeming 7.14%
apparent 4.76%
increasing 4.76%
military 4.76%
total 4.76%
criminal 3.57%
rising 2.38%
seeming + n. >>共 276
contradiction 7.31%
lack 4.34%
indifference 2.97%
paradox 2.97%
inability 2.51%
impunity 1.37%
simplicity 1.37%
success 1.37%
effortlessness 1.14%
reluctance 1.14%
每页显示:    共 6