1.   I would here like to give two examples of such skewed populations and to speculate on the seeming anomaly.

2.   I asked Harris about this seeming anomaly.

3.   One seeming anomaly may be instructive.

4.   The combination of tougher sentencing laws and public attitudes toward crime helps explain a seeming anomaly, the report concluded.

a. + anomaly >>共 122
statistical 6.63%
apparent 5.10%
genetic 3.06%
seasonal 3.06%
curious 2.55%
magnetic 2.55%
historical 2.04%
peculiar 2.04%
seeming 2.04%
legal 1.53%
seeming + n. >>共 276
contradiction 7.31%
lack 4.34%
indifference 2.97%
paradox 2.97%
inability 2.51%
impunity 1.37%
simplicity 1.37%
success 1.37%
effortlessness 1.14%
reluctance 1.14%
anomaly 0.91%
每页显示:    共 4