1.   Could we deny any of them if they came seeking counsel?

2.   His parishioners sought his counsel and loved him.

3.   The student sought counsel from her teacher.

4.   Also increasing, say scholars and priests, is the number of people seeking counsel from the gods on matters of love, health, work and finance.

5.   And he sought good counsel in putting the productions together.

6.   As reporters began searching high and low for the victim, the family began to seek counsel.

7.   Ault would not identify which states had sought his counsel.

8.   A man so strong that his clients sought his counsel, on everything.

9.   After a rough first start against Cincinnati, Allen sought the counsel of offensive line coach Hudson Houck.

10.   After that case, the college began advising students that they could seek legal counsel for campus disciplinary proceedings.

v. + counsel >>共 100
seek 19.50%
provide 8.50%
appoint 7.25%
have 4.75%
offer 3.75%
give 2.75%
defence 2.50%
keep 2.25%
take 2.25%
need 2.00%
seek + n. >>共 791
comment 6.91%
help 3.98%
refuge 2.48%
approval 2.06%
asylum 2.05%
support 1.99%
way 1.81%
re-election 1.81%
damage 1.72%
advice 1.69%
counsel 0.22%
每页显示:    共 77