1.   She gave her letter to the postman with a heavy heart, wondering if she would ever see her sister again.

2.   She was overjoyed to see her sister again.

3.   Have you seen my sister?

4.   I only saw her sister.

5.   Although they rarely saw their sister, they did stay close to Luke.

6.   And she is nervous about seeing her sister, Kate, a rushee.

7.   Bates did not see his sister again until he was a senior in high school.

8.   I see my sisters.

9.   I tried three times to book a flight to go see my sister.

10.   I wish I could see my sister.

v. + sister >>共 300
have 9.01%
say 6.99%
visit 4.50%
kill 4.14%
call 2.39%
include 2.30%
see 2.21%
join 2.11%
marry 2.11%
find 1.93%
see + n. >>共 1403
sign 1.33%
reason 1.25%
man 1.18%
thing 1.14%
people 1.07%
doctor 0.95%
action 0.93%
need 0.92%
opportunity 0.89%
lot 0.87%
sister 0.04%
每页显示:    共 24