1.   Purchase price not disclosed, but Texas is one of several regions the company has targeted for power sector investments.

2.   They all have favorite stocks but most of our managers emphasized that individiual stories and even sector investments emerged and often changed through the years.

3.   Areas in need of immediate attention included corporate debt restructuring, increasing real sector investment, promoting exports and speeding up government spending, he said.

4.   Areas needing immediate attention are corporate debt restructuring, increased real sector investment, export promotion and speeding up government spending.

5.   Provisions of the act facilitate public disclosure of documents pertaining to official budgets, work plans, concessions, contracts and joint government-private sector investments.

6.   The economic boom was mostly sparked by an increase in foreign trade, stronger household consumption and higher business sector investment, the Central Bureau for Statistics said.

7.   But he said corporate managers remained cautious about the prospects for the economy due to expected falls in public sector and housing sector investment.

8.   Key oil producing and consuming countries Tuesday urged adequate oil sector investment, more conservation and cleaner fuels to meet future global needs and preserve the environment.

9.   The company said it would try to improve group-level earnings in the light of declining housing sector investment and intensified competition in southeast Asia.

n. + investment >>共 433
capital 16.81%
business 11.81%
fixed-income 10.62%
equity 5.78%
portfolio 2.59%
technology 1.94%
bond 1.87%
government 1.87%
income 1.63%
property 1.60%
sector 0.31%
sector + n. >>共 283
fund 9.56%
reform 5.49%
commander 2.66%
stock 2.35%
leader 2.04%
rotation 1.88%
activity 1.72%
job 1.72%
share 1.41%
growth 1.41%
investment 1.41%
每页显示:    共 9