1.   Bank deposits were temporarily frozen during a financial sector crisis and Ecuador became the first nation to default on its Brady Bond debt.

2.   Facing flat export growth and a financial sector crisis, Thailand effectively devalued the baht in July, sparking a wave of speculative attacks against other Southeast Asian currencies.

3.   Once enjoying a booming economy, Thailand has been hit hard by a finance and property sector crisis.

4.   Using corporate bonds is the latest in a series of steps government regulators are considering for dealing with the state sector crisis.

5.   Philippine authorities said Tuesday they had ordered banks to limit lending to the fast-growing property sector to avert a possible finance sector crisis.

6.   Thailand has been faced with a finance sector crisis amid a property glut and falling prices.

7.   The beleaguered government of President Robert Mugabe is facing the threat of widespread strike action and nationwide protests over its controversial handling of a crippling health sector crisis.

8.   The group said both advanced and emerging economies have suffered massive losses due to financial and banking sector crises.

n. + crisis >>共 498
currency 15.32%
hostage 11.42%
energy 6.97%
refugee 6.31%
budget 3.97%
food 3.15%
debt 2.91%
power 2.84%
government 2.31%
water 2.01%
sector 0.18%
sector + n. >>共 283
fund 9.56%
reform 5.49%
commander 2.66%
stock 2.35%
leader 2.04%
rotation 1.88%
activity 1.72%
job 1.72%
share 1.41%
growth 1.41%
crisis 1.25%
每页显示:    共 8