1.   Col. Thierry Cambournac, deputy sector commander of Sarajevo, said he feared that his soldiers could get drawn into conflicts in the urban areas they will patrol.

2.   It continuously participated in the working out of battle plans, provided advice to the general staff and to sector commanders, proposing redeployments and new tactics.

3.   Russia, whose Major-General Alexander Perelyakin is sector commander for eastern Croatia, is also accused of pro-Serb bias.

4.   Daut Haradinaj is a sector commander of the Kosovo Protection Force, which was organized as a civil emergency unit after the KLA was officially disbanded last year.

5.   They discussed establishing telephone links between sector commanders, an idea raised earlier by the two prime ministers, The Hindu reported.

6.   They will serve in multinational brigade under command of French sector commander in Mostar.

7.   Further details from the meeting between sector commanders of the two sides were not immediately available.

8.   In Sarajevo, UN Sarajevo sector commander General Herve Gobilliard held urgent consultations Friday with his Bosnian and Bosnian Serb counterparts following the killing.

9.   Attempts by UNPROFOR to speed up the withdrawal had fallen on deaf ears and Bosnian commanders have refused to meet with the UN sector commander.

10.   At an official ceremony, the French sector commander, Lieutenant Colonel Erik de Stabenrath, handed over control to Ghanaian Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Narh Adinkrah.

n. + commander >>共 236
army 16.61%
rebel 13.40%
police 11.86%
field 8.07%
deputy 5.89%
guerrilla 3.90%
alliance 3.02%
security 2.48%
force 2.18%
government 1.77%
sector 0.37%
sector + n. >>共 283
fund 9.56%
reform 5.49%
commander 2.66%
stock 2.35%
leader 2.04%
rotation 1.88%
activity 1.72%
job 1.72%
share 1.41%
growth 1.41%
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