1.   Both face charges of fomenting sectarian strife.

2.   After centuries of sectarian strife, however, compromise is a tough sell here.

3.   But as political violence has decreased, sectarian strife has increased.

4.   Hammering out a settlement that can end decades of sectarian strife will not be easy, but this may be the best chance Northern Ireland has ever had.

5.   Humanitarian groups have called on the United Nations to step in and quell sectarian strife in Dallas.

6.   In Northern Ireland, it was the same old game of riot and sectarian strife.

7.   It bestows expansive liberty of conscience on Americans and spares them the sectarian strife and violence that plague much of the world.

8.   Many other anarchists call anarcho-primitivism a disturbing trend, and, perhaps not surprisingly, sectarian strife among the anarchists is rampant.

9.   Most southern Irish are appalled by the sectarian strife in the north, which they blame for scaring away tourists and investors from the island as a whole.

10.   Sinn Fein had insisted that the IRA would not disarm until there was an overall political settlement of the sectarian strife in Northern Ireland.

a. + strife >>共 130
civil 21.00%
ethnic 12.81%
internal 9.64%
political 6.61%
religious 5.02%
racial 4.23%
sectarian 3.30%
factional 2.25%
social 1.72%
domestic 1.59%
sectarian + n. >>共 166
violence 35.52%
tension 4.81%
killing 4.69%
attack 3.52%
strife 2.93%
divide 2.58%
conflict 2.58%
clash 2.46%
group 1.99%
passion 1.88%
每页显示:    共 25