1.   Inspectors said that secondary teachers were failing to build on the success of primary science and were not challenging their younger pupils.

2.   Secondary teachers only were included, since the case studies about which the survey seeks to generalize were of secondary schools.

3.   For each factor, the results of the survey are presented firstly as they apply to Solihull secondary teachers as a whole.

4.   In general Solihull secondary teachers have a neutral attitude towards professional development in connection with SSE.

5.   The Solihull booklet seems to have had a powerfully benign effect on the attitudes towards SSE of Solihull secondary teachers in general.

6.   The nature of the attitudes suggests a willingness on the part of many Solihull secondary teachers to undertake institutional self-reviews and to consider self-generated institutional improvements.

7.   Primary teachers are also the most aware of the response of the governors and the LEA to the report, with secondary teachers least aware.

8.   Secondary teachers find it of most use in changing priorities.

a. + teacher >>共 936
new 5.58%
english 5.49%
former 4.95%
good 3.27%
retired 2.41%
qualified 2.14%
best 1.35%
piano 1.33%
the 1.10%
young 1.08%
secondary 0.45%
secondary + n. >>共 557
market 14.09%
coach 5.18%
role 4.17%
education 3.26%
road 2.92%
issue 2.78%
infection 2.40%
explosion 1.63%
consideration 1.63%
importance 1.49%
teacher 0.96%
每页显示:    共 20