1.   Nothing on its first episode went right, but the second included what might be the funniest sketch on any show this season.

2.   The final seconds include a missed layup, a blocked layup, and two more misses.

3.   The second includes miscellaneous items like moving expenses, insurance payments or fees covering personal use of a corporate jet.

4.   The second includes images that were shown last month on Lebanese television, which described them as pictures of Hezbollah guerrillas who took part in the kidnapping.

5.   A second included indirect ploys, like giving hints through tone of voice.

6.   The second includes an array of nations not known for their sterling records on human rights.

7.   The second includes large halls and the third is believed to have been for the guards.

8.   The second includes an array of nations not known for having sterling records on human rights.

9.   The second will include the ambassadors of Germany and France.

10.   The first stage will focus on military logistics and camp organization behind frontlines, and the second will include combat training.

n. + include >>共 1161
package 1.87%
group 1.67%
list 1.51%
plan 1.49%
measure 1.18%
figure 1.13%
speaker 1.10%
symptom 1.06%
coverage 0.91%
dead 0.87%
second 0.02%
second + v. >>共 397
be 47.32%
time 4.20%
come 3.28%
have 1.21%
pass 1.21%
tick 0.87%
tick_away 0.87%
set 0.72%
do 0.72%
involve 0.68%
include 0.53%
每页显示:    共 11