1.   Argentina favors having a Latin American seat rotate among Argentina, Brazil and Mexico.

2.   Only five of the bank presidents have a vote, and the voting seats rotate each year.

3.   Only five of the bank presidents have a vote and the voting seats rotate each year.

4.   Seats rotate with the touch of a foot pedal to let neighbors face each other.

5.   The remaining seats rotate among other U.N. member states.

6.   The ten other seats rotate among U.N. member nations in two-year terms.

n. + rotate >>共 217
presidency 3.86%
investor 3.03%
trader 2.48%
game 2.20%
earth 1.93%
post 1.93%
ball 1.65%
planet 1.65%
blade 1.65%
seat 1.65%
seat + v. >>共 226
be 50.47%
go 7.44%
have 4.39%
fold 2.40%
remain 2.28%
become 1.46%
hold 1.17%
come 1.00%
give 0.94%
fall 0.88%
rotate 0.35%
每页显示:    共 6