1.   Meanwhile, combine flour, salt, pepper, garlic powder and seasoning salt in a large bowl.

2.   Season lightly with salt and pepper, garlic salt and seasoning salt.

3.   The salt and blossoms are then ground roughly together and can be used like any seasoning salt.

4.   We use this spice mix as a basic seasoning salt in some of the Latin dishes at the restaurant.

a. + salt >>共 154
kosher 11.99%
seasoned 10.57%
coarse 8.94%
additional 7.72%
remaining 4.47%
old 3.66%
iodized 3.66%
mineral 2.44%
extra 2.03%
excess 1.83%
seasoning 0.81%
seasoning + n. >>共 14
mix 38.46%
mixture 12.82%
salt 10.26%
packet 7.69%
blend 5.13%
sauce 5.13%
company 2.56%
envelope 2.56%
ingredient 2.56%
paste 2.56%
每页显示:    共 4