1.   However, original or commercial sin keeps breaking in and there is undoubtedly a great deal of badly seasoned wood on the Market.

2.   A thud indicates insufficiently seasoned wood.

3.   But seasoned wood is hard to find this late in the season.

4.   Green wood sold as seasoned wood and lesser-quality wood sold as top-quality hardwood are the other common complaints.

5.   Much of the seasoned wood was sold and delivered in late summer and the fall, according to firewood experts.

6.   Seasoned wood is dull gray and usually has wide cracks.

7.   Seasoned wood will emit a clunk, like the sound of two baseball bats struck together, whereas unseasoned wood makes a dull thud.

8.   So, she said, she had a friend call this same dealer to inquire about seasoned wood for cash customers.

9.   When possible buy seasoned wood, which has been cut, stacked and allowed to dry.

a. + wood >>共 580
bare 4.43%
dark 3.19%
dead 2.43%
pressure-treated 2.43%
nearby 2.16%
solid 2.05%
burning 2.00%
dense 1.78%
polished 1.67%
surrounding 1.46%
seasoned 0.49%
seasoned + n. >>共 391
veteran 7.67%
salt 5.25%
pro 3.23%
flour 3.03%
politician 2.93%
professional 2.42%
traveler 1.92%
player 1.92%
observer 1.61%
diplomat 1.51%
wood 0.91%
每页显示:    共 9