1.   Season the sauce with salt and pepper.

2.   Finely chopped vegetable bound with a bit of your favorite seasoning sauce?

3.   I season the sauce with thyme, bay leaves and minced and seeded Scotch bonnets, which give the sauce complexity, not just heat.

4.   Remove garlic and season sauce to taste.

5.   Season sauce with salt and white pepper to taste, and keep warm.

6.   Season the sauce with additional salt and pepper, if desired.

7.   Season the sauce to taste with salt and pepper.

8.   Season sauce with salt and pepper, and pour it over ziti or penne.

9.   Season sauce with salt and pepper, pour some over duck and serve.

v. + sauce >>共 222
pour 11.79%
make 9.42%
spoon 5.49%
dip 5.16%
add 4.26%
thicken 2.95%
serve 2.29%
use 2.13%
strain 2.13%
prepare 2.05%
season 0.90%
season + n. >>共 168
chicken 5.14%
meat 3.71%
side 3.43%
vegetable 3.43%
sauce 3.14%
mix 2.86%
fish 2.86%
mixture 2.57%
soup 2.29%
lamb 2.00%
每页显示:    共 11