1.   With both Leicester and Sunderland still chasing honours, the situation will probably remain unclear until the season ends.

2.   Almost as soon as the regular season ends, baseball players pack their bags, make travel reservations and set off for points across the globe.

3.   Anderson said Falcons fullback Bob Christian, whose season end last Sunday when he tore knee ligaments, should get the nod.

4.   As the holiday season ends and the New Year starts, we might all reflect on how important trust is in each of our lives.

5.   At least the Giants are there at the end every season.

6.   Benitez is intensely proud of the home his family still owns and the neighborhood where he grew up and still migrates to after the season ends.

7.   Bonilla will work out in Los Angeles for a week after the season ends, then will split time between homes in Connecticut and Florida.

8.   A decision on whether to put off surgery until the season ends will be made after Tuesday when Burt is scheduled to see a specialist.

9.   But Brown has high hopes for another big slide before the season ends.

10.   But from now until the season ends or the mark becomes impossible, the rest of us will be.

n. + end >>共 815
year 6.14%
north 4.91%
season 3.80%
east 3.61%
split 2.77%
term 2.70%
stem 2.62%
west 2.62%
rookie 1.70%
bottom 1.39%
season + n. >>共 984
time 10.00%
game 8.16%
opener 4.39%
team 2.42%
last 2.27%
race 1.60%
title 1.52%
finale 1.42%
start 1.31%
series 1.24%
end 0.61%
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