1.   I thought of sealing the wood on the sides and ends with polyurethane before installing the boards and adding two coats.

2.   Along with the pressing and fitting of massive pieces of timber, the project includes intricate, interlocking wood-carving to seal the wood in place.

3.   Check with a knowledgeable person where you buy your lumber for suggestions on when the wood should be sealed.

4.   First, sand all surfaces then apply a wash coat of shellac to seal the wood.

5.   If you do seal the wood, be sure to clean it first with a solution of bleach and water, then rinse before sealing.

6.   On unpainted furniture, seal the wood with sanding sealer or diluted shellac.

7.   That will seal the wood and halt further rot by killing fungi.

8.   The contractor sealed the wood.

9.   The next step is to seal the wood to protect the wood and the stained color.

v. + wood >>共 339
use 6.53%
chop 4.68%
cut 3.61%
collect 2.44%
buy 2.14%
get 1.56%
seal 1.56%
have 1.46%
protect 1.36%
stain 1.36%
seal + n. >>共 540
border 8.96%
victory 7.93%
deal 6.23%
fate 4.29%
win 4.25%
agreement 2.51%
record 2.24%
area 1.63%
document 1.37%
office 1.18%
wood 0.61%
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