1.   Satriano said the details of the case were sealed to protect the child.

2.   The painted surface of the icon must be sealed to protect the pigments and gold leaf.

3.   The wells are sealed to protect against infiltration.

4.   The Alligator has suggested in court papers that NASCAR may have convinced Teresa Earnhardt to have the photos sealed to protect itself against a wrongful death lawsuit.

v. + protect >>共 339
use 9.71%
do 8.04%
act 5.31%
work 3.79%
deploy 3.34%
fight 3.26%
intervene 3.03%
can 2.50%
set_up 1.90%
lie 1.90%
seal 0.30%
seal + v. >>共 28
prevent 22.58%
stop 8.06%
make 6.45%
pend 6.45%
protect 6.45%
contain 4.84%
shut 4.84%
be 3.23%
give 3.23%
stem 3.23%
每页显示:    共 4