1.   Environmental groups used boycott tactics that once forced Canada to end its annual seal hunt.

2.   In recent years, some American critics of the seal hunt have suggested that Greenlanders try cattle ranching instead.

3.   Kunuk in the Arctic during a seal hunt.

4.   Police confirmed they were investigating the incident, which occurred Tuesday as international activists mounted their annual public-relations campaign against the Canadian seal hunt.

5.   Blichfeldt said the seal hunt was no worse than other hunts.

6.   Geir Wang-Andersen, of Greenpeace, said Norway appeared to be gearing up for commercial seal hunts in the same way.

7.   The seal hunt is a highly emotional issue in Norway that sparks a lively public debate.

8.   Usually, the seal hunt occurs many kilometers off shore in thick, tightly packed fields of ice.

9.   But the International Fund for Animal Welfare has vowed to oppose any attempt by the government to jumpstart the seal hunt, which it views as cruel and unnecessary.

10.   But money is not what drives the seal hunt, as revenues are relatively small.

n. + hunt >>共 160
witch 26.90%
whale 6.97%
playoff 6.72%
scavenger 5.11%
job 3.86%
fox 2.62%
police 2.37%
title 1.74%
murder 1.74%
egg 1.74%
seal 1.37%
seal + n. >>共 77
population 12.57%
pup 9.42%
hunter 7.33%
hunt 5.76%
meat 5.24%
pelt 3.66%
penis 3.14%
hunting 2.62%
product 2.62%
leak 1.57%
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