1.   Scuff marks from shoes are difficult to remove.

2.   And for the scuff marks, light rubbing with a soap pad or steel wool and oil.

3.   And how can I handle scuff marks safely?

4.   Because of such recycling efforts, staff at both companies often struggle to find circuit boards free of scratches and scuff marks.

5.   Black scuff marks are a common problem.

6.   For stubborn scuff marks, scrub lightly with Brillo or SOS pads.

7.   High-gloss finishes tend to show scuff marks, scratches, traffic areas and dirt more readily than satin finishes, according to the National Wood Flooring Association.

8.   I observed the scuff marks under the window seat.

9.   If he steps on a scuff mark, he must retrace his steps and walk around it, or the mark will surely hurt him later.

10.   It also has a number of nicks and scuff marks.

n. + mark >>共 457
skid 6.10%
world 3.64%
burn 2.94%
bullet 2.38%
bite 2.03%
spike 1.89%
torture 1.75%
trade 1.68%
scorch 1.54%
half-century 1.54%
scuff 1.19%
scuff + n. >>共 2
mark 94.44%
slipper 5.56%
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