1.   A few fake tattoos, a dirty bandanna, a scruffy beard rubbed on with coal would do the trick.

2.   But cheap wigs, loud colors or scruffy beards may be important personality clues when weighed with other factors.

3.   Caviezel is sporting dark-brown hair, a scruffy beard, black-rimmed plastic glasses and a gray sports coat over a camelhair vest.

4.   He also had a scruffy beard and cropped hair.

5.   He has wild hair curling uncontrollably upward and a scruffy beard flowing down his bare chest.

6.   Her first blind date was a mechanic with a scruffy beard and short-shorts.

7.   In the role, Mandy Patinkin wore a scruffy beard, a raffish guerrilla beret and an anarchistic sneer.

8.   Scruffy reddish beard.

9.   The part of his face not hidden by the scruffy beard is sun-burned, his hands rough from long days of farm work.

10.   When captured, his hair was trimmed, although he had a scruffy beard.

a. + beard >>共 179
white 10.21%
long 8.53%
gray 5.81%
black 4.78%
full 3.62%
scraggly 3.23%
bushy 3.23%
thick 3.23%
trimmed 2.58%
red 2.20%
scruffy 1.81%
scruffy + n. >>共 102
beard 9.33%
man 4.67%
clothes 3.33%
kid 2.67%
jean 2.00%
charm 2.00%
pasture 2.00%
boot 1.33%
park 1.33%
denim 1.33%
每页显示:    共 14