1.   In a known contamination such as American Media, environmental cleaners will scrub all surfaces with a detergent solution, vacuum and revacuum rugs.

2.   Scrub firm surfaces with a brush.

3.   Scrub the surface with a soft toothbrush.

4.   Wait a few minutes to allow the cleaner to work into the wood, then scrub the surface vigorously with the brush to remove dirt and mildew.

v. + surface >>共 390
scratch 9.05%
cover 6.32%
reach 4.70%
break 3.50%
skim 2.56%
coat 2.31%
brush 1.71%
clean 1.62%
smooth 1.54%
damage 1.45%
scrub 0.34%
scrub + n. >>共 182
floor 11.50%
toilet 2.95%
hand 2.65%
launch 2.65%
potato 2.06%
plan 2.06%
blood 1.77%
mission 1.77%
wall 1.77%
flight 1.47%
surface 1.18%
每页显示:    共 4