1.   After pretreatment, stains are scrubbed and the uniforms are soaked.

2.   After pretreatment, red clay stains are scrubbed and the uniforms are soaked.

3.   For starters, try scrubbing the stain with detergent and water, with a scrub brush.

4.   If it starts to deteriorate, stop and scrub the stain with a strong detergent solution.

5.   Some lawyers believed he was representing Ms. Straw for free to scrub the stain from his reputation.

v. + stain >>共 129
remove 15.23%
apply 4.77%
get 4.55%
have 4.32%
leave 4.32%
use 4.32%
find 3.41%
clean 2.95%
take 2.27%
cause 2.05%
scrub 1.14%
scrub + n. >>共 182
floor 11.50%
toilet 2.95%
hand 2.65%
launch 2.65%
potato 2.06%
plan 2.06%
blood 1.77%
mission 1.77%
wall 1.77%
flight 1.47%
stain 1.47%
每页显示:    共 5