1.   The user can select any screen font he or she prefers and can enter copy in almost any fashion.

2.   Two dozen screen fonts are also supplied.

3.   Both programs display much of their text in screen fonts that are particularly irritating to read, and only rarely do they let you print it out.

4.   One feature smooths out the jagged edges of screen fonts for a crisp look.

n. + font >>共 14
type 25.00%
default 15.63%
screen 12.50%
baptism 6.25%
computer 6.25%
handwriting 6.25%
system 6.25%
add-in 3.13%
basket 3.13%
golf-ball 3.13%
screen + n. >>共 366
saver 11.23%
time 7.99%
door 6.89%
name 5.79%
image 3.37%
presence 3.17%
persona 1.72%
star 1.65%
reader 1.45%
television 1.31%
font 0.28%
每页显示:    共 4