1.   The screen displays a list of the macros stored on your default disk drive.

2.   The screen displayed columns of figures against groups of code letters and from time to time Francis referred to these, scrolling the display on or back.

3.   The screen can display in colour.

4.   Along with still pictures and digitally imaged documents, the screen will display computer-generated graphics and full-motion video and animation.

5.   An extremely busy video screen displayed mileage, temperature and radio settings.

6.   As he plays, twin speakers relay the sounds of the Steinway while the screens display them as peaks and waves.

7.   A large screen displayed video greetings sent by troops on the ships.

8.   A small screen displays an animated cartoon of the paper as it passes through the printer.

9.   Active-matrix screens provide brilliant and sharp colors and images that can change quickly, allowing the screens to display video images as well as graphics.

10.   Computer screens displayed data on transmission, her responsibility on this shift.

n. + display >>共 676
screen 2.30%
museum 2.10%
company 1.71%
official 1.38%
man 1.31%
team 1.25%
window 1.05%
group 1.05%
column 1.05%
store 1.05%
screen + v. >>共 267
be 25.48%
show 6.83%
go 5.63%
display 3.23%
have 2.68%
appear 2.12%
flash 2.03%
fill 1.75%
look 1.66%
offer 1.11%
每页显示:    共 35