1.   He blackened one eye, left scratches up and down her neck and scraped the flesh off her hipbones.

2.   Repeat on the opposite side, then slice and scrape the flesh off the narrow sides.

3.   Scrape the flesh from the squash and add it to the pot.

4.   Scrape flesh into blender or food processor.

5.   Spoon or scrape the flesh from the skin and put it through a food mill, or puree it in a food processor.

6.   Medics scraped scorched flesh off the pavement, and passers-by rushed to help the wounded in Beit Sahour, a well-to-do Christian suburb of Bethlehem.

7.   Medics scraped scorched flesh off the pavement, and passers-by rushed to help the wounded in Beit Sahur, a well-to-do Christian suburb of Bethlehem.

8.   Medics scraped scorched flesh off the pavement.

9.   Long after reporters left the scene, ZAKA men were climbing ladders to scrape flesh off the sides of buildings.

v. + flesh >>共 152
press 11.19%
eat 7.79%
cut 4.62%
tear 3.41%
put 2.92%
have 2.68%
scrape 2.43%
scoop 2.19%
chop 1.70%
smell 1.70%
scrape + n. >>共 258
bottom 9.04%
side 5.12%
mixture 3.16%
paint 3.01%
bowl 3.01%
knee 2.71%
batter 2.56%
money 1.96%
mud 1.66%
pan 1.51%
flesh 1.51%
每页显示:    共 10