1.   Suharto agreed to scrap limits on foreign ownership of banks.

2.   TWA DROPS COMMISSION CAP Breaking ranks with other airlines, TWA agreed to scrap a limit on travel agent commissions at least through September.

3.   Other tax proposals would modify the way oil production is treated by the alternative minimum tax and scrap limits on net taxable income.

4.   If, on top of that, limits on foreign players are scrapped, it would distort competition throughout Europe, defenders of the current system claim.

5.   Some national leagues have already said they plan to scrap limits on EU foreigners next season.

6.   The central bank official noted that the system was implemented by the banking industry itself, and said no moves were under way to scrap the limits at present.

7.   The session then took a final vote on whether to scrap the limit.

8.   Debate on a controversial bill scrapping limits on the presidential term in Malawi has been postponed again until further notice, parliamentary speaker Sam Mpasu said Wednesday.

9.   Their position has become increasingly difficult, with many European leagues adopting plans to scrap limits on EU foreigners.

10.   The bill also called for scrapping all limits on radio station ownership.

v. + limit >>共 386
have 12.91%
set 9.68%
impose 7.41%
place 4.57%
reach 4.03%
put 3.36%
test 2.69%
push 2.69%
raise 2.30%
include 1.55%
scrap 0.31%
scrap + n. >>共 412
plan 17.66%
project 3.60%
law 3.21%
deal 3.02%
idea 2.31%
weapon 1.93%
treaty 1.86%
program 1.80%
tax 1.73%
agreement 1.54%
limit 0.77%
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