1.   Two organic brands were included in the tasting, but overall scored significantly lower than their nonorganic counterparts.

2.   Why do black Americans score so much lower on standardized tests?

3.   The book purports to show why blacks generally score lower on intelligence tests than whites.

4.   Both tests revealed that individuals with long DNA sequences scored higher on novelty-seeking variables, while those with shorter sequences scored generally lower.

v. + lower >>共 22
push 36.44%
drive 18.46%
send 17.16%
pull 14.05%
keep 4.08%
force 1.96%
mark 1.14%
knock 0.98%
make 0.98%
price 0.82%
score 0.65%
score + a. >>共 37
big 13.27%
high 12.24%
shorthanded 9.18%
higher 8.16%
short-handed 6.12%
low 5.10%
lower 4.08%
unassisted 4.08%
untouched 4.08%
alive 2.04%
每页显示:    共 4