1.   Critics of awards contend that enough science prizes exist and that many prizes are given to the same small number of people.

2.   The winner of a top national science prize, Jefferson will enroll this fall at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore.

3.   Americans have dominated the Nobel science prizes since World War II.

4.   But unlike the science prizes or even the politically judged peace prize, literature is subjective by nature.

5.   In a country better known for its literary output, he was the only Irishman to win a Nobel science prize.

6.   Males heavily dominate the Nobel science prizes.

7.   Nuesslein-Volhard was the first German woman to win a Nobel science prize.

8.   Nobel science prizes mark high-flying discoveries.

9.   Nuesslein-Volhard, director of developmental biology at the institute, was the first German woman to win a Nobel science prize.

10.   Rodhe agreed that a classical science prize rarely has immediate political consequences.

n. + prize >>共 178
peace 27.92%
cash 12.76%
literature 7.20%
economics 4.47%
chemistry 3.16%
physics 2.73%
medicine 2.51%
year 1.85%
science 1.64%
raffle 1.53%
science + n. >>共 350
teacher 6.35%
class 3.89%
project 3.65%
experiment 3.45%
professor 2.56%
standard 2.46%
writer 2.27%
student 2.27%
lab 2.22%
department 2.12%
prize 0.74%
每页显示:    共 15