1.   Kuhn argues that science education is characterized by an uncritical teaching of the dominant paradigm within a subject.

2.   Some of the new modules may be suitable for introducing an element of science into other programmes and may be used to broaden the science education of students.

3.   But research found that when science education got more formal, in about the third grade, children started to tune out and say it was boring.

4.   Cleary passionate about science education, Kelly, Martinez and others have been working nearly nonstop building the exhibits.

5.   Computers and science education are not mutually exclusive, of course.

6.   Despite recent efforts, science education in Cleveland public schools is still inadequate, as the lack of participation in national science competitions indicates.

7.   Dr. Mae Jemison, a former astronaut, comments on the findings, which are consistent with past studies showing severe problems in science education.

8.   Following the war he turned his attention from astronomy to science education.

9.   Goldberg later taught physics at Antioch, science education at the University of Zambia, and the history of science at Hampshire and the University of Maryland in Baltimore.

10.   He spent the next several years working to improve science education worldwide.

n. + education >>共 302
college 16.33%
sex 14.18%
quality 4.35%
art 3.79%
university 3.74%
childhood 3.38%
health 2.97%
voter 2.82%
music 2.25%
science 2.00%
science + n. >>共 350
teacher 6.35%
class 3.89%
project 3.65%
experiment 3.45%
professor 2.56%
standard 2.46%
writer 2.27%
student 2.27%
lab 2.22%
department 2.12%
education 1.92%
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