1.   A well-intentioned but feckless response to the rise in school violence.

2.   Another measure approved with the help of conservative Democrats would also allow religious symbols to be placed on memorials on school grounds that honor victims of school violence.

3.   As the investigation in Littleton began, Clinton said there are additional proposals he had in mind to fight school violence, but he did not detail them.

4.   As school violence and vandalism move beyond the classroom, the jaunty yellow school bus is fading as a symbol of childhood innocence and re-emerging as a battle zone.

5.   At a debate at Dartmouth College last fall, a woman asked Gore how to end school violence.

6.   At the same time, negotiators abandoned efforts to find a compromise on bills that would end tenure for public school principals and stiffen penalties for school violence.

7.   Attorney General Janet Reno said the problems of school violence and underperforming students must be addressed with a community-wide approach.

8.   A statewide conference on school violence and safety issues will be held Wednesday and Thursday in Columbus.

9.   All across the region Friday, the specter of school violence seemed to be jangling nerves in normally placid communities.

10.   Alex Rascon, director of public school safety in Santa Fe, N.M., warned that neither teachers nor police are adequately trained to deal with school violence.

n. + violence >>共 279
gun 11.45%
school 7.63%
gang 6.19%
youth 6.05%
police 4.26%
mob 4.06%
election 3.67%
fan 2.33%
rebel 2.28%
guerrilla 2.18%
school + n. >>共 674
official 11.45%
system 6.22%
child 3.04%
administrator 2.50%
building 2.11%
program 1.71%
teacher 1.69%
voucher 1.60%
prayer 1.45%
history 1.29%
violence 0.98%
每页显示:    共 153