1.   Most central city schools serve primarily poor, working class and minority students.

2.   Somehow, schools must serve and respond to parental choices.

3.   Thus, health visitors have a specific interest in some individual children and a broad interest in, and view of, the local communities which each school serves.

4.   However many communities a school serves, the head must represent a prime interest and involvement.

5.   And the state education commissioner, Richard Mills, said he hoped the successful schools could serve as role models.

6.   As the school served fewer and fewer students it became less and less a community focal point.

7.   Both schools serve predominantly white, suburban, middle-class neighborhoods.

8.   But if your school serves kids who live in poor areas, more kids may be going hungry.

9.   Few local schools serve fish anymore.

10.   Few expect any action, but many individual schools now serve as the funnel between shoe companies and coaches.

n. + serve >>共 2049
restaurant 1.85%
man 1.67%
woman 1.33%
company 1.05%
president 1.02%
troop 0.99%
member 0.87%
soldier 0.74%
father 0.73%
system 0.61%
school 0.59%
school + v. >>共 1050
be 18.31%
have 8.45%
offer 1.83%
use 1.49%
say 1.46%
do 1.30%
begin 1.27%
remain 1.26%
close 1.26%
teach 1.21%
serve 0.41%
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