1.   Jackson acknowledged, however, that complaints against some school founders have merit.

2.   Sada Thompson is also effective as Virginia McMartin, the elderly school founder who was charged of the crimes along with all of her staff.

3.   Charter school founders are often teachers or parents who have little, if any, experience creating a school from the ground up.

4.   School founder Ann William said there was a need for finishing schools to help people be polite, kind and sensitive.

5.   The dozen teachers all taught at public schools in Anhui, a poor rural eastern province that produced many migrants, including school founder Wang Kuodong.

n. + founder >>共 118
company 30.69%
sect 3.45%
billionaire 2.41%
team 2.41%
cult 2.41%
cartel 2.07%
museum 1.72%
group 1.72%
school 1.72%
economy 1.38%
school + n. >>共 674
official 11.45%
system 6.22%
child 3.04%
administrator 2.50%
building 2.11%
program 1.71%
teacher 1.69%
voucher 1.60%
prayer 1.45%
history 1.29%
founder 0.03%
每页显示:    共 5