1.   If you feel like writing a scathing letter and then ripping it into little pieces, do it!

2.   But Flavin could be equally generous with blame and was famous for his scathing letters to friends, former friends and editors, written in a slightly ornate style.

3.   Last month, Elliot J. Abelson, a Los Angeles attorney representing the Church of Scientology, wrote Minton a scathing letter.

4.   SPJ received critical e-mails from people around the country, and a scathing letter from a group called the Coalition for American Citizens in Martsdale, N.Y.

5.   The change in Medicaid review methods followed a scathing letter from TDA President Stephen Schwartz to Gilbert.

6.   The decision followed a scathing letter to Secretary of State Warren Christopher on Tuesday from three powerful House committee chairmen.

7.   The senator then returned the Hughes check with a scathing letter that the senator promptly made public saying he could never take a dime from Howard Hughes.

8.   When the charges were dropped, Heywood circulated a scathing letter across the Internet, attacking other AIDS advocacy groups for neglecting the case.

9.   Young responded by releasing a scathing letter he wrote to the state Democratic Party chairman, Mark Brewer.

10.   Angered over government censorship of an art exhibit, he fires off a scathing letter that gets him kicked out of the country he loves.

a. + letter >>共 1005
warning 3.11%
anonymous 2.82%
threatening 2.51%
similar 2.18%
angry 2.07%
suspicious 2.05%
recent 2.01%
personal 1.99%
first 1.99%
fund-raising 1.85%
scathing 0.33%
scathing + n. >>共 108
attack 19.07%
criticism 14.18%
report 8.25%
letter 4.12%
comment 3.35%
remark 3.35%
article 2.84%
review 2.58%
indictment 2.32%
audit 1.55%
每页显示:    共 16